• 2021-04-14 问题

    What service cannot be found in the beauty salon?

    What service cannot be found in the beauty salon?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    沙龙在法语中为? ? salon ;|savon ;;|savoir ;|savon

    沙龙在法语中为? ? salon ;|savon ;;|savoir ;|savon

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    中国大学MOOC: A ________ and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds.

    中国大学MOOC: A ________ and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds.

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    沙龙在法语中为? A: savon B: salon C: savoir D: savon

    沙龙在法语中为? A: savon B: salon C: savoir D: savon

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    A ________ and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds. A: brand B: culture C: boutique D: discount

    A ________ and beauty salon are conveniently located within the grounds. A: brand B: culture C: boutique D: discount

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    翻译:Take the lift to the third floor,go straight ahead out of the lift and the beauty salon is on your right.

    翻译:Take the lift to the third floor,go straight ahead out of the lift and the beauty salon is on your right.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Com in COM Port means ______________.

    Com in COM Port means ______________.

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    下列模块属于MS-DOS核心部分的是() A: IBMBI B: COM     C: IBMDI D: COM         E: FORMA F: COM  G: IBMDO H: COM      I: COMMAN J: COM      K: XCOP L: COM

    下列模块属于MS-DOS核心部分的是() A: IBMBI B: COM     C: IBMDI D: COM         E: FORMA F: COM  G: IBMDO H: COM      I: COMMAN J: COM      K: XCOP L: COM

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    在Windows中查找扩展名为.COM与.EXE的文件,应在"查找"对话框输入( )。 A: *.EXE*.COM B: *.EXE/*.COM C: *.EXE *.COM D: *.EXE,*.COM

    在Windows中查找扩展名为.COM与.EXE的文件,应在"查找"对话框输入( )。 A: *.EXE*.COM B: *.EXE/*.COM C: *.EXE *.COM D: *.EXE,*.COM

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    下列电子邮件地址中正确的是____。 A: zhangsan&sinA、com B: lisi!126、com C: zhang$san@qq、com D: lisi_1982@sohu、com

    下列电子邮件地址中正确的是____。 A: zhangsan&sinA、com B: lisi!126、com C: zhang$san@qq、com D: lisi_1982@sohu、com

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