关于序列,说法不正确的是() A: 修改序列,使用ALTER<br/>SEQUENCE sequence_name; B: 修改语句中也可以使用序列 C: 删除序列使用语句:DROP<br/>sequence_name; D: 获取序列的当前值,使用sequence_name.CURRVAL
关于序列,说法不正确的是() A: 修改序列,使用ALTER<br/>SEQUENCE sequence_name; B: 修改语句中也可以使用序列 C: 删除序列使用语句:DROP<br/>sequence_name; D: 获取序列的当前值,使用sequence_name.CURRVAL
Motivated sequence is also known as ______ motivated sequence
Motivated sequence is also known as ______ motivated sequence
Given the z transform [img=189x53]1803a2f394c6141.png[/img],then the inverse transform is___ A: a left-sided sequence B: a right-sided sequence C: a two-sided sequence D: an uncertain sequence
Given the z transform [img=189x53]1803a2f394c6141.png[/img],then the inverse transform is___ A: a left-sided sequence B: a right-sided sequence C: a two-sided sequence D: an uncertain sequence
RNA polymerase holoenzyme initiates transcription which involves A: recognition of the -10 sequence and -35 sequence B: recognition of the -10 sequence onl C: recognition of the -35 sequence only D: recognition of the -100 sequence only E: none of the above
RNA polymerase holoenzyme initiates transcription which involves A: recognition of the -10 sequence and -35 sequence B: recognition of the -10 sequence onl C: recognition of the -35 sequence only D: recognition of the -100 sequence only E: none of the above
sequence _____________。
sequence _____________。
The process of converting ribonucleotide sequence into complementary deoxyribonucleotide sequence is transcription (1 point)
The process of converting ribonucleotide sequence into complementary deoxyribonucleotide sequence is transcription (1 point)
Matrix-targeting sequence
Matrix-targeting sequence
One can predict the amino acid sequence of a protein from the nucleotide sequence of its gene.
One can predict the amino acid sequence of a protein from the nucleotide sequence of its gene.
RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription.()
RNA polymerase is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, during the process of transcription.()
插入序列(insertion sequence,IS)
插入序列(insertion sequence,IS)