在下列查询条件中,可以使用索引的是( )。 A: id + 2 > 3 B: id > 3 - 2 C: id + 1 = 3 D: id = 3
在下列查询条件中,可以使用索引的是( )。 A: id + 2 > 3 B: id > 3 - 2 C: id + 1 = 3 D: id = 3
【简答题】https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDExMzc3NjQyMA==.html?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dtitle 记录奥尔夫音乐活动流程
【简答题】https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDExMzc3NjQyMA==.html?spm=a2h0k.11417342.soresults.dtitle 记录奥尔夫音乐活动流程
下面程序的运行结果___ #include “stdio.h” int id=3; void main { int id=5; { int id; id=7; printf(“id=%d\n”, id ); } printf(“id=%d\n”, id ); }
下面程序的运行结果___ #include “stdio.h” int id=3; void main { int id=5; { int id; id=7; printf(“id=%d\n”, id ); } printf(“id=%d\n”, id ); }
Use the following code to answer the following questions: int id = 0; cout [< "ID: "; cin ]> id; if (id == 1) cout << "Janet"; else if (id == 2 || id == 3) cout << "Mark"; else if (id == 4) cout << "Jerry"; else cout << "Sue"; (1) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 2? (2) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 4? (3) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 3? (4) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 8
Use the following code to answer the following questions: int id = 0; cout [< "ID: "; cin ]> id; if (id == 1) cout << "Janet"; else if (id == 2 || id == 3) cout << "Mark"; else if (id == 4) cout << "Jerry"; else cout << "Sue"; (1) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 2? (2) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 4? (3) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 3? (4) The above code display ____when the id variable contains the number 8
对以下程序描述正确的是( )delete from user where id not in (2,3) A: 删除id为2和3的数据 B: 删除id为2的数据 C: 删除id为3的数据 D: 删除id不是2或3的数据
对以下程序描述正确的是( )delete from user where id not in (2,3) A: 删除id为2和3的数据 B: 删除id为2的数据 C: 删除id为3的数据 D: 删除id不是2或3的数据
下列选项中与“WHERE (id,price)=(3,1999)”功能相同的是( ) A: WHERE id=3 || price=1999 B: WHERE id=3 && price=1999 C: WHERE (id,price)<>(3,1999) D: 以上选项都不正确
下列选项中与“WHERE (id,price)=(3,1999)”功能相同的是( ) A: WHERE id=3 || price=1999 B: WHERE id=3 && price=1999 C: WHERE (id,price)<>(3,1999) D: 以上选项都不正确
智慧职教: 在同一点短路时 Id(2) =[填空(1)]Id(3)。
智慧职教: 在同一点短路时 Id(2) =[填空(1)]Id(3)。
下面选项中,用于查询student表中id在1~3范围内的记录的SQL语句是() A: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereid=1,2,3 B: SELECT*FROMstudentwhere(id=1,id=2,id=3) C: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereidin(1,2,3) D: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereidin1,2,3
下面选项中,用于查询student表中id在1~3范围内的记录的SQL语句是() A: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereid=1,2,3 B: SELECT*FROMstudentwhere(id=1,id=2,id=3) C: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereidin(1,2,3) D: SELECT*FROMstudentwhereidin1,2,3