When were the trademark registration provisions modified A: 1880. B: 1870. C: 1905. D: 1915
When were the trademark registration provisions modified A: 1880. B: 1870. C: 1905. D: 1915
普拉多3.5L自动VXNVI的长宽高分别是()。 A: 4840*1885*1890 B: 4840*1880*1890 C: 5010*1885*1890 D: 5010*1880*1895
普拉多3.5L自动VXNVI的长宽高分别是()。 A: 4840*1885*1890 B: 4840*1880*1890 C: 5010*1885*1890 D: 5010*1880*1895
《1812》序曲创作于( )年。 A: 1812 B: 1880
《1812》序曲创作于( )年。 A: 1812 B: 1880
In his recent speech about the global climate change from the overheating atmosphere, Professor MacDonnell ______________________ that last summer was one of the hottest since records began in 1880.
In his recent speech about the global climate change from the overheating atmosphere, Professor MacDonnell ______________________ that last summer was one of the hottest since records began in 1880.
In (), the police caught Ned. A: 1878 B: 1887 C: 1874 D: 1880
In (), the police caught Ned. A: 1878 B: 1887 C: 1874 D: 1880
数字推理 2,6,30,210() A: 1880 B: 1890 C: 1980 D: 1970
数字推理 2,6,30,210() A: 1880 B: 1890 C: 1980 D: 1970
埃菲尔铁塔建成于( )年。 A: 1889 B: 1880 C: 1870 D: 1875
埃菲尔铁塔建成于( )年。 A: 1889 B: 1880 C: 1870 D: 1875
开平碉楼现存()座。 A: 1880 B: 1881 C: 1882 D: 1883
开平碉楼现存()座。 A: 1880 B: 1881 C: 1882 D: 1883