被称为“布鲁斯之父”的是 A: 查理·帕顿 B: 罗伯特·约翰逊 C: W·C·Handy D: BessieSmith
被称为“布鲁斯之父”的是 A: 查理·帕顿 B: 罗伯特·约翰逊 C: W·C·Handy D: BessieSmith
“现代芝加哥蓝调之父”是 A: 查理·帕顿 B: 罗伯特·约翰逊 C: W·C·Handy D: MuddyWaters
“现代芝加哥蓝调之父”是 A: 查理·帕顿 B: 罗伯特·约翰逊 C: W·C·Handy D: MuddyWaters
三角洲布鲁斯音乐之父是指 A: 勃拉姆斯 B: 查理·帕顿 C: 罗伯特·约翰逊 D: W·C·Handy
三角洲布鲁斯音乐之父是指 A: 勃拉姆斯 B: 查理·帕顿 C: 罗伯特·约翰逊 D: W·C·Handy
Sein Handy liegt ________ Rucksack.
Sein Handy liegt ________ Rucksack.
The word "handy" could be divided as "hand-y".
The word "handy" could be divided as "hand-y".
Keepthisreferencebook;itmaycomein______oneday. A: handy B: useful C: convenient D: helpful
Keepthisreferencebook;itmaycomein______oneday. A: handy B: useful C: convenient D: helpful
Theword“convenient”inthepassagemeans______. A: handy,easytodo B: thatcanbechanged C: fondofdrinkingandmerry-making D: carriagesorothertrucks
Theword“convenient”inthepassagemeans______. A: handy,easytodo B: thatcanbechanged C: fondofdrinkingandmerry-making D: carriagesorothertrucks
Python has two basic modes ( ) A: Interactive B: Script C: Handy D: Input
Python has two basic modes ( ) A: Interactive B: Script C: Handy D: Input
15. They always keep a notebook handy so that they can _____ down customers' comments.
15. They always keep a notebook handy so that they can _____ down customers' comments.
4. The swimming pool is available only in summer. A: achievable B: attainable C: usable D: handy
4. The swimming pool is available only in summer. A: achievable B: attainable C: usable D: handy