• 2022-06-06 问题

    What is Chinese Dream described as in President Xi’s statements? A: The material goal of China becoming a "moderately well-off society" by 2021. B: The material goal of China becoming a "moderately well-off society" by 2049. C: The modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by about 2049. D: The modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by about 2021.

    What is Chinese Dream described as in President Xi’s statements? A: The material goal of China becoming a "moderately well-off society" by 2021. B: The material goal of China becoming a "moderately well-off society" by 2049. C: The modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by about 2049. D: The modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by about 2021.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    " If we teach and educate people from a public rather than a private heart, then we can achieve the ideal society of the whole world. " Who said this?( ) A: Yu Yi B: Tao Xingzhi C: Zhang Yugun D: Xi Jinping

    " If we teach and educate people from a public rather than a private heart, then we can achieve the ideal society of the whole world. " Who said this?( ) A: Yu Yi B: Tao Xingzhi C: Zhang Yugun D: Xi Jinping

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    Which major stages has Chinese society progressed through? A: Primitive Society, Slave Society. B: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society. C: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society. D: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society, and Socialist Society.

    Which major stages has Chinese society progressed through? A: Primitive Society, Slave Society. B: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society. C: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society. D: Primitive Society, Slave Society, Feudal Society, Semi-feudal and Semi-colonial Society, and Socialist Society.

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    Word中插入数学公式的方法是()。 A: "插入"→"形状"→"公式" B: "开发工具"→"公式" C: "插入"→"公式"→"插入新公式" D: "引用"→"插入"→"公式"

    Word中插入数学公式的方法是()。 A: "插入"→"形状"→"公式" B: "开发工具"→"公式" C: "插入"→"公式"→"插入新公式" D: "引用"→"插入"→"公式"

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    After the Civil War America was transformed from ______ _________. A: an agrarian community … an industrialized and commercialized society B: an agrarian community … a society of freedom and equality C: a poor and backward society … an industrialized and commercialized society D: an industrialized and commercialized society … a highly<br/>developed society

    After the Civil War America was transformed from ______ _________. A: an agrarian community … an industrialized and commercialized society B: an agrarian community … a society of freedom and equality C: a poor and backward society … an industrialized and commercialized society D: an industrialized and commercialized society … a highly<br/>developed society

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    定义并初始化一个用于存放我们国家的四个直辖市的数组cityName,四个直辖市为:北京,上海,天津,重庆. 正确的是_________ A: String[] cityName=new String[4]{&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; B: String[] cityName=new String[]{&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; C: String[] cityName={&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; D: String cityName = new String[4] { &quot;北京&quot;, &quot;上海&quot;, &quot;天津&quot;, &quot;重庆&quot; };

    定义并初始化一个用于存放我们国家的四个直辖市的数组cityName,四个直辖市为:北京,上海,天津,重庆. 正确的是_________ A: String[] cityName=new String[4]{&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; B: String[] cityName=new String[]{&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; C: String[] cityName={&quot;北京&quot;,&quot;上海&quot;,&quot;天津&quot;,&quot;重庆&quot;}; D: String cityName = new String[4] { &quot;北京&quot;, &quot;上海&quot;, &quot;天津&quot;, &quot;重庆&quot; };

  • 2022-06-18 问题

    已知有一个名为names的空列表,如何向其中添加old_driver,rain,jack,shanshan,peiqi,black_girl 元素? A: names.append(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) B: names.extend(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) C: names.insert(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) D: names.extend([&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;])

    已知有一个名为names的空列表,如何向其中添加old_driver,rain,jack,shanshan,peiqi,black_girl 元素? A: names.append(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) B: names.extend(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) C: names.insert(&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;) D: names.extend([&quot;old_driver&quot;,&quot;rain&quot;,&quot;jack&quot;,&quot;shanshan&quot;,&quot;peiqi&quot;,&quot;black_girl&quot;])

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    以下哪个选项是正确的json数据格式: A: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: admin, &quot;passWord&quot;: 12345, &quot;email&quot;: admin@qq.com} B: { id: 2, userName: &quot;admin&quot;, passWord: &quot;12345&quot;, email: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;} C: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: &quot;admin&quot;, &quot;passWord&quot;: &quot;12345&quot;, &quot;email&quot;: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;,} D: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: &quot;admin&quot;, &quot;passWord&quot;: &quot;12345&quot;, &quot;email&quot;: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;}

    以下哪个选项是正确的json数据格式: A: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: admin, &quot;passWord&quot;: 12345, &quot;email&quot;: admin@qq.com} B: { id: 2, userName: &quot;admin&quot;, passWord: &quot;12345&quot;, email: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;} C: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: &quot;admin&quot;, &quot;passWord&quot;: &quot;12345&quot;, &quot;email&quot;: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;,} D: { &quot;id&quot;: 2, &quot;userName&quot;: &quot;admin&quot;, &quot;passWord&quot;: &quot;12345&quot;, &quot;email&quot;: &quot;admin@qq.com&quot;}

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    把一个JSON格式数据赋给变量color:color = &quot色彩":[ &quot暖色":[&quot红",&quot橙",&quot黄"], &quot冷色":[&quot青",&quot蓝"], &quot中性色":[&quot紫",&quot绿",&quot黑",&quot灰",&quot白"] ]以下能够取到冷色“[&quot青",&quot蓝"]”的是哪一个选项?_

    把一个JSON格式数据赋给变量color:color = &quot色彩":[ &quot暖色":[&quot红",&quot橙",&quot黄"], &quot冷色":[&quot青",&quot蓝"], &quot中性色":[&quot紫",&quot绿",&quot黑",&quot灰",&quot白"] ]以下能够取到冷色“[&quot青",&quot蓝"]”的是哪一个选项?_

  • 2022-05-30 问题

    在Excel中,为表格添加边框的正确的操作是()。 A: 单击&quot;单元格&quot;中的&quot;边框&quot; B: 单击&quot;单元格&quot;中的&quot;边框和底纹&quot; C: 单击&quot;插入&quot;中&quot;边框&quot; D: 单击&quot;插入&quot;中&quot;单元格&quot;

    在Excel中,为表格添加边框的正确的操作是()。 A: 单击&quot;单元格&quot;中的&quot;边框&quot; B: 单击&quot;单元格&quot;中的&quot;边框和底纹&quot; C: 单击&quot;插入&quot;中&quot;边框&quot; D: 单击&quot;插入&quot;中&quot;单元格&quot;

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