• 2022-05-29 问题

    Direction: Please translate the following phrases and expression into English or Chinese.throw oneself into/ at/ down/ on, etc

    Direction: Please translate the following phrases and expression into English or Chinese.throw oneself into/ at/ down/ on, etc

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    On the first day of Chinese New Year, we _____ new clothesand visit people. A: pick up B: put on C: take off D: throw away

    On the first day of Chinese New Year, we _____ new clothesand visit people. A: pick up B: put on C: take off D: throw away

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【单选题】It is a waste to ______ good food. A. throw away B. throw in C. throw out D. throw on

    【单选题】It is a waste to ______ good food. A. throw away B. throw in C. throw out D. throw on

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    3. I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.

    3. I soon realized that this incident was directly relevant to our assigned tasks in China: to investigate the ways of early childhood education (especially in the arts), and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    My house is within ______ from the railway station. A: a stone's throw B: a throw of a stone C: stone's throw D: the stone's throw

    My house is within ______ from the railway station. A: a stone's throw B: a throw of a stone C: stone's throw D: the stone's throw

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Why did you ______ such a good job when jobs are so hard to get A: throw about B: throw off C: throw up D: throw out

    Why did you ______ such a good job when jobs are so hard to get A: throw about B: throw off C: throw up D: throw out

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    下面语句中不存在语法错误的选项是( )。 A: throw new NullPointerException(); B: throw “Exception”; C: throw new Exception(); D: throw new IOException();

    下面语句中不存在语法错误的选项是( )。 A: throw new NullPointerException(); B: throw “Exception”; C: throw new Exception(); D: throw new IOException();

  • 2022-06-19 问题

    Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to ()his bad cold. A: throw over B: throw away C: throw down D: throw off

    Because of his poor health, it took him a long time to ()his bad cold. A: throw over B: throw away C: throw down D: throw off

  • 2022-05-28 问题



  • 2022-06-17 问题

    Which is the correct statement about the throw statement? A: The throw statement allows the code to explicitly throw an exception. B: throw exception expression; It raises an exception which is an arbitrary value. C: throw; can exist in the catch block, as well as in the try and finally blocks. D: throw; can only be used in catch blocks to ignore the exception currently being handled by the catch block.

    Which is the correct statement about the throw statement? A: The throw statement allows the code to explicitly throw an exception. B: throw exception expression; It raises an exception which is an arbitrary value. C: throw; can exist in the catch block, as well as in the try and finally blocks. D: throw; can only be used in catch blocks to ignore the exception currently being handled by the catch block.

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