有如下定义:struct date{ int year;int month;int day;};struct worklist {char name[20];char sex;struct birthday;} person;对结构体变量person的出生月份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是______。 A: person=10; B: person.birthday=10; C: person.birthday.month=10; D: month=10;
有如下定义:struct date{ int year;int month;int day;};struct worklist {char name[20];char sex;struct birthday;} person;对结构体变量person的出生月份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是______。 A: person=10; B: person.birthday=10; C: person.birthday.month=10; D: month=10;
On birthday, usually the birthday person cuts the initial piece of the cake and gets ____ piece of it. A. the first B. the last C. the middle A: the first B: the last C: the middle
On birthday, usually the birthday person cuts the initial piece of the cake and gets ____ piece of it. A. the first B. the last C. the middle A: the first B: the last C: the middle
The friends and family of the birthday person take him by the arms and legs, and bump him up into the air and down onto the floor in the UK.
The friends and family of the birthday person take him by the arms and legs, and bump him up into the air and down onto the floor in the UK.
中国大学MOOC: struct date{ int year,month,day; };struct worklist{ char sex; struct date birthday; }person;对结构体变量 person 的出生年份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是 。
中国大学MOOC: struct date{ int year,month,day; };struct worklist{ char sex; struct date birthday; }person;对结构体变量 person 的出生年份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是 。
【单选题】def happy(): print("Happy birthday to you!") def happy_birthday(name): happy() print("Happy birthday, dear {}!".format(name)) happy() happy_birthday("teacher") A. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! B. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! C. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! D. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you!
【单选题】def happy(): print("Happy birthday to you!") def happy_birthday(name): happy() print("Happy birthday, dear {}!".format(name)) happy() happy_birthday("teacher") A. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! B. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! C. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you! D. Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear teacher! Happy birthday to you!
有如下定义: struct date { int yy,mm,dd;}; struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; } person; 对结构体变量person的出生年月进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是
有如下定义: struct date { int yy,mm,dd;}; struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; } person; 对结构体变量person的出生年月进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是
对于如下的结构体定义,若对变量person的出生年份进行赋值,正确的赋值语句是(). struct date {int year,mouth,day; }; struct worklist {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person;
对于如下的结构体定义,若对变量person的出生年份进行赋值,正确的赋值语句是(). struct date {int year,mouth,day; }; struct worklist {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person;
中国大学MOOC: 有如下定义:struct date { int year, month, day; };struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; date birthday; }person;对结构体变量person的出生年份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是( )。
中国大学MOOC: 有如下定义:struct date { int year, month, day; };struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; date birthday; }person;对结构体变量person的出生年份进行赋值时,下面正确的赋值语句是( )。
定义如下结构体来描述一个人的基本情况: struct date {int year; int month; int day; }; struct person {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }man;如果某人的生日是1988年10月9日,下列对生日的正确赋值是 。 A: man·birthday·year=1988 man·birthday·.month=10 man·birthday·day=9 B: birthday·year=1988birthday·month=10birthday·day=9 C: man·year=1988man·month=10man·day=9 D: year=1988 month=10 day=9
定义如下结构体来描述一个人的基本情况: struct date {int year; int month; int day; }; struct person {char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }man;如果某人的生日是1988年10月9日,下列对生日的正确赋值是 。 A: man·birthday·year=1988 man·birthday·.month=10 man·birthday·day=9 B: birthday·year=1988birthday·month=10birthday·day=9 C: man·year=1988man·month=10man·day=9 D: year=1988 month=10 day=9
设有一结构体类型变量定义如下: struct date { int year; int month; int day; } struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person; 若要对person的出生年份进行赋值,则以下语句正确的是
设有一结构体类型变量定义如下: struct date { int year; int month; int day; } struct worklist { char name[20]; char sex; struct date birthday; }person; 若要对person的出生年份进行赋值,则以下语句正确的是