写出下面程序的运行结果。import rehtml='''%abc%%def%python(ghi)'''content=re.sub(r'%[\s\S]*%', '&', html)content=content.strip()print('替换之后的内容为: ', content)content2=re.subn(r'%[\s\S]*%', '&', html)print('替换之后的内容及替换次数为: ', content2)
写出下面程序的运行结果。import rehtml='''%abc%%def%python(ghi)'''content=re.sub(r'%[\s\S]*%', '&', html)content=content.strip()print('替换之后的内容为: ', content)content2=re.subn(r'%[\s\S]*%', '&', html)print('替换之后的内容及替换次数为: ', content2)
中国大学MOOC: 对下面ASP.NET代码的解释存在错误的是( )<%@PageTitle=""Language="C#"MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master"AutoEventWireup="true"CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs"Inherits="SECSYS.Web.WebForm1"%><asp:ContentID="Content1"ContentPlaceHolderID="head"runat="server"></asp:Content><asp:ContentID="Content2"ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1"runat="server"></asp:Content>
中国大学MOOC: 对下面ASP.NET代码的解释存在错误的是( )<%@PageTitle=""Language="C#"MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master"AutoEventWireup="true"CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs"Inherits="SECSYS.Web.WebForm1"%><asp:ContentID="Content1"ContentPlaceHolderID="head"runat="server"></asp:Content><asp:ContentID="Content2"ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1"runat="server"></asp:Content>
Yungang Grotto and Longmen Grotto mainly represent ( ). A: the content of Buddhism B: the content of Taoism C: the content of Islam D: the content of Christianism
Yungang Grotto and Longmen Grotto mainly represent ( ). A: the content of Buddhism B: the content of Taoism C: the content of Islam D: the content of Christianism
Children are always happy. They can play ______. A: for their heart's content B: for their heart content C: to their heart's content D: to their hearts' content
Children are always happy. They can play ______. A: for their heart's content B: for their heart content C: to their heart's content D: to their hearts' content
I hope this ___________ can be included. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)
I hope this ___________ can be included. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)
获取<;div id="content">;内容…<;/div>;标签里的文本内容。( ) A: $(" B: content").val(); C: $(" D: content").HTML(); E: $(" F: content").text(); G: $(" H: content").innerHTML();
获取<;div id="content">;内容…<;/div>;标签里的文本内容。( ) A: $(" B: content").val(); C: $(" D: content").HTML(); E: $(" F: content").text(); G: $(" H: content").innerHTML();
获取内容...标签里的文本内容的方法是? A: $("#content").val(); B: $("#content").gethtml(); C: $("#content").text(); D: $("#content").innerHTML();
获取内容...标签里的文本内容的方法是? A: $("#content").val(); B: $("#content").gethtml(); C: $("#content").text(); D: $("#content").innerHTML();
( ) is the highest rank of coal with highest carbon content, high heat content, low sulfur content,but limited supplies.
( ) is the highest rank of coal with highest carbon content, high heat content, low sulfur content,but limited supplies.
He _____________ himself with a glass of beer after work today. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)
He _____________ himself with a glass of beer after work today. A: content (v.) B: content (adj.) C: content (n.)
下面选项中,在指定的元素后添加内容,正确的是() A: append(content) B: appendTo(content) C: insertAfter(content) D: after(content)
下面选项中,在指定的元素后添加内容,正确的是() A: append(content) B: appendTo(content) C: insertAfter(content) D: after(content)