Storm track is anything EXCEPT ___ . A: the direction where the storm comes from B: the direction the storm is moving towards C: the speed at which the storm moves D: the path taken by the storm
Storm track is anything EXCEPT ___ . A: the direction where the storm comes from B: the direction the storm is moving towards C: the speed at which the storm moves D: the path taken by the storm
The boat sank during the_________storm, claiming a lot of lives and property loss. A: voluntary B: violent C: brutal D: casual
The boat sank during the_________storm, claiming a lot of lives and property loss. A: voluntary B: violent C: brutal D: casual
The book raised a storm of ___________.
The book raised a storm of ___________.
30.A storm ________ by a calm.
30.A storm ________ by a calm.
How damaging was the storm?
How damaging was the storm?
Storm和Spark Streaming对应的应用场景中,Storm处理的延迟更低。
Storm和Spark Streaming对应的应用场景中,Storm处理的延迟更低。
Often a storm ________________(follow) by a calm.
Often a storm ________________(follow) by a calm.
Storm具有以下哪些特点? A: 整合性:Storm可方便地与队列系统和数据库系统进行整合 B: 简易的API:Storm的API在使用上即简单又方便 C: 容错性:Storm可自动进行故障节点的重启、任务的重新分配 D: 可扩展性:Storm的并行特性使其可以运行在分布式集群中
Storm具有以下哪些特点? A: 整合性:Storm可方便地与队列系统和数据库系统进行整合 B: 简易的API:Storm的API在使用上即简单又方便 C: 容错性:Storm可自动进行故障节点的重启、任务的重新分配 D: 可扩展性:Storm的并行特性使其可以运行在分布式集群中
简述Storm 适用的场景。
简述Storm 适用的场景。