把路由器当前配置文件存储到NVRAM中的命令是()。 A: Router(config) B: copy current to starting C: Route D: copystarting to running E: Router(config) F: copy running-config starting-config G: Route H: copy run startup
把路由器当前配置文件存储到NVRAM中的命令是()。 A: Router(config) B: copy current to starting C: Route D: copystarting to running E: Router(config) F: copy running-config starting-config G: Route H: copy run startup
智慧职教: The starting system is taking charge for starting the engine.
智慧职教: The starting system is taking charge for starting the engine.
In an operating diesel engine, which of the following conditions is an indication of a leaking air starting valve? A.Noise coming from that air starting valve B.Continuous operation of the starting air compressor C.Zero air pressure in the air starting system D.Overheated starting air pipe to the cylinder head
In an operating diesel engine, which of the following conditions is an indication of a leaking air starting valve? A.Noise coming from that air starting valve B.Continuous operation of the starting air compressor C.Zero air pressure in the air starting system D.Overheated starting air pipe to the cylinder head
The starting air system usually has () to prevent starting if anything is not in order.
The starting air system usually has () to prevent starting if anything is not in order.
在Cisco IOS设备上,使用CLI执行命令Switch (config)# hostname EaSt-2+56时,CLI将显示什么内容? A: Switch (config) B: % Invalid input detected C: EaSt-2+56(config) D: EaSt-58(config) E: East-2+56(config) F: Switch EaSt-2+56(config)
在Cisco IOS设备上,使用CLI执行命令Switch (config)# hostname EaSt-2+56时,CLI将显示什么内容? A: Switch (config) B: % Invalid input detected C: EaSt-2+56(config) D: EaSt-58(config) E: East-2+56(config) F: Switch EaSt-2+56(config)
将运行配置文件拷贝到启动配置文件的命令是: A: oute(config) B: copy startup -config running -config C: oute(config) D: copy running-config startup-config E: oute F: copy startup -config running -config G: oute H: copy running-config startup-config
将运行配置文件拷贝到启动配置文件的命令是: A: oute(config) B: copy startup -config running -config C: oute(config) D: copy running-config startup-config E: oute F: copy startup -config running -config G: oute H: copy running-config startup-config
设置路由器名称:Router> Router # Router(config) # CenterCenter(config) # Center #
设置路由器名称:Router> Router # Router(config) # CenterCenter(config) # Center #
哪个命令用于将配置从RAM复制到NVRAM?( ) A: copy running-config startup-config B: copy startup config running config C: copy running config startup config D: copy startup-config: running-config:
哪个命令用于将配置从RAM复制到NVRAM?( ) A: copy running-config startup-config B: copy startup config running config C: copy running config startup config D: copy startup-config: running-config:
在Cisco网络设备上输入命令Router(config)#hostnameSiso-2018-11时,CLI将显示什么内容() A: Router(config) B: C: %Invalidinputdetected D: Siso-2018(config) E: F: Siso-2018-11(config) G:
在Cisco网络设备上输入命令Router(config)#hostnameSiso-2018-11时,CLI将显示什么内容() A: Router(config) B: C: %Invalidinputdetected D: Siso-2018(config) E: F: Siso-2018-11(config) G:
创建VLAN10的命令是() A: switch(config)#vlan10switch(config-vlan)#exit B: switch(config)#intvlan10switch(config-vlan)#exit C: switch(config)#vlan10switch(config-vlan)#end D: switch(config)#intvlan10switch(config-vlan)#end
创建VLAN10的命令是() A: switch(config)#vlan10switch(config-vlan)#exit B: switch(config)#intvlan10switch(config-vlan)#exit C: switch(config)#vlan10switch(config-vlan)#end D: switch(config)#intvlan10switch(config-vlan)#end