下列选项中值最小的是()。 A: 65 B: 'A' C: 065 D: 0x65
下列选项中值最小的是()。 A: 65 B: 'A' C: 065 D: 0x65
下列不正确的转义字符是( )。 A: ‘065’ B: ‘"’ C: '\' D: '0'
下列不正确的转义字符是( )。 A: ‘065’ B: ‘"’ C: '\' D: '0'
以下语句的输出结果是( )。 printf("%d\n",strlen("\t\"\065\xff\n"));
以下语句的输出结果是( )。 printf("%d\n",strlen("\t\"\065\xff\n"));
一期闸机普通通道机芯L的型号为() A: WIDE DX ME069 B: WIDE SX ME070 C: STD DX ME065 D: STD DX ME066
一期闸机普通通道机芯L的型号为() A: WIDE DX ME069 B: WIDE SX ME070 C: STD DX ME065 D: STD DX ME066
They offered a job that I like. A: me B: to me C: with me D: me to
They offered a job that I like. A: me B: to me C: with me D: me to
【单选题】The dinner is __________(我请客)? A. on me B. in me C. for me D. to me
【单选题】The dinner is __________(我请客)? A. on me B. in me C. for me D. to me
语句printf("%d\n",strlen("\t\"\\\n\’\065\08AB"));的输出结果是( )。 A: 6 B: 7 C: 8 D: 9
语句printf("%d\n",strlen("\t\"\\\n\’\065\08AB"));的输出结果是( )。 A: 6 B: 7 C: 8 D: 9
语句prinff(”%d\n”,strlen(”\t\”\、、n\"\065\08AB”));的输出结果是( )。 A: 6 B: 7 C: 8 D: 9
语句prinff(”%d\n”,strlen(”\t\”\、、n\"\065\08AB”));的输出结果是( )。 A: 6 B: 7 C: 8 D: 9
Mother asked me . A: what was wrong with me B: what’s wrong with me C: what wrong was with me D: what wrong is with me
Mother asked me . A: what was wrong with me B: what’s wrong with me C: what wrong was with me D: what wrong is with me
that there was no time to lose. A: It occurred to me B: It was occurred to me C: As was occurred to me D: What was occurred to me was
that there was no time to lose. A: It occurred to me B: It was occurred to me C: As was occurred to me D: What was occurred to me was