这是我第一次抛锚。() A: AIt is the first time for me to anchor. B: BIt is the one time to me for anchor. C: CIt is for me the time to anchor. D: DIt is the one time for me to anchor.
这是我第一次抛锚。() A: AIt is the first time for me to anchor. B: BIt is the one time to me for anchor. C: CIt is for me the time to anchor. D: DIt is the one time for me to anchor.
An example of an anchor which has a stock is a(). A: ABruce anchor B: BDunn anchor C: CHook anchor D: DLWT anchor
An example of an anchor which has a stock is a(). A: ABruce anchor B: BDunn anchor C: CHook anchor D: DLWT anchor
The anchor winches are to heave and drop the anchor and anchor chains.
The anchor winches are to heave and drop the anchor and anchor chains.
Anchor equipment includes anchor, anchor chain, fairleads, chain locker.
Anchor equipment includes anchor, anchor chain, fairleads, chain locker.
Sound of friction can be heard at the windlass when ____. A: you have heaved the anchor B: you heaved the anchor C: you have the anchor D: you will have the anchor
Sound of friction can be heard at the windlass when ____. A: you have heaved the anchor B: you heaved the anchor C: you have the anchor D: you will have the anchor
I am ()up anchor. A: Aweight B: Bheaving C: Chave D: Daweigh
I am ()up anchor. A: Aweight B: Bheaving C: Chave D: Daweigh
最后一棒 → anchor ____
最后一棒 → anchor ____
When was Winfrey promoted to anchor. A: senior B: sophormore C: junior D: first year
When was Winfrey promoted to anchor. A: senior B: sophormore C: junior D: first year
锚货币(anchor cuirency)
锚货币(anchor cuirency)