AE能够导入的图片格式类型有 A: png B: Tga C: Psd D: AI(注意不是人工智能的AI,是Adobe Illustrator )
AE能够导入的图片格式类型有 A: png B: Tga C: Psd D: AI(注意不是人工智能的AI,是Adobe Illustrator )
下列文件格式,可以直接导入到pr或ae中的格式有() A: PSD B: JPG C: PNG D: GIF E: TGA F: AI G: BMP
下列文件格式,可以直接导入到pr或ae中的格式有() A: PSD B: JPG C: PNG D: GIF E: TGA F: AI G: BMP
In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from _____.
In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from _____.
In 1803, President Jefferson negotiated the purchase of Louisiana from Mexico.
In 1803, President Jefferson negotiated the purchase of Louisiana from Mexico.
【单选题】AE中所有元素的过渡都必须使用? A. AE合成 B. AE剪辑 C. AE动效 D. AE工具
【单选题】AE中所有元素的过渡都必须使用? A. AE合成 B. AE剪辑 C. AE动效 D. AE工具
The earth is _____ of the moon. A: 49 times the size B: 49 times the large C: 49 times the small D: 49 the size
The earth is _____ of the moon. A: 49 times the size B: 49 times the large C: 49 times the small D: 49 the size
国际网球联合会成立于 A: 1903 B: 1803 C: 1913 D: 1923
国际网球联合会成立于 A: 1903 B: 1803 C: 1913 D: 1923
霍尔效应哪一年发现的? A: 1881 B: 1879 C: 1803 D: 1831
霍尔效应哪一年发现的? A: 1881 B: 1879 C: 1803 D: 1831
The earth is _______ of the moon. A: 49 times the size B: 49 times size C: 49 times as big as that D: 49 times big
The earth is _______ of the moon. A: 49 times the size B: 49 times size C: 49 times as big as that D: 49 times big