• 2022-07-29 问题

    某电压源支路,端电压U和端电流I参考方向如图所示,在下列表达式中正确的伏安关系是()。[img=173x255]17e0b6a77bb5856.png[/img] A: U=US+I*R B: U=—US—I*R C: U=—US+I*R D: U=US—I*R

    某电压源支路,端电压U和端电流I参考方向如图所示,在下列表达式中正确的伏安关系是()。[img=173x255]17e0b6a77bb5856.png[/img] A: U=US+I*R B: U=—US—I*R C: U=—US+I*R D: U=US—I*R

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Sentence like “I will try to ...” shows us ( ) while sentence like “I will do ...” gives us a feeling of ( ).

    Sentence like “I will try to ...” shows us ( ) while sentence like “I will do ...” gives us a feeling of ( ).

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    理想电压源的源电压为US,端口电流为I,则其内阻为( )。 A: I/US B: 无穷大 C: US/I D: 0

    理想电压源的源电压为US,端口电流为I,则其内阻为( )。 A: I/US B: 无穷大 C: US/I D: 0

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    理想电压源的源电压为Us,端口电路为I,则其内阻为 A: 0 B: 无穷大 C: Us/I D: I/Us

    理想电压源的源电压为Us,端口电路为I,则其内阻为 A: 0 B: 无穷大 C: Us/I D: I/Us

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    They invited the three of______,Tom, Bob, and _____. A: us , me B: we , I C: us , I D: we , we

    They invited the three of______,Tom, Bob, and _____. A: us , me B: we , I C: us , I D: we , we

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    He invited the three of ______, Bob, Tom and ______. A: we; me B: us; I C: we; I D: us; me

    He invited the three of ______, Bob, Tom and ______. A: we; me B: us; I C: we; I D: us; me

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    10. _______I was in the US, I made a lot of American friends.

    10. _______I was in the US, I made a lot of American friends.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    I’ve _______ pizza for us all. I hope that is OK?

    I’ve _______ pizza for us all. I hope that is OK?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    如图示电路中,当Us=0时,I= - 6A,求Us=18V时,I的值。【图片】

    如图示电路中,当Us=0时,I= - 6A,求Us=18V时,I的值。【图片】

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    电路如图所示,[img=227x140]17d60e9728cfa32.png[/img]已知Us=2V时,I=1A,则当Us=4V时,I=2A。 ( )

    电路如图所示,[img=227x140]17d60e9728cfa32.png[/img]已知Us=2V时,I=1A,则当Us=4V时,I=2A。 ( )

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