定义函数如下:def compute(*numbers): s = 1 for n in numbers: s = s * n + n return s以下哪些选项的输入可以得到21的结果? A: compute([3, 3]) B: nums = [1, 2, 3]; compute(nums) C: compute([3, 2, 1]) D: nums = (3, 3); compute(*nums)
定义函数如下:def compute(*numbers): s = 1 for n in numbers: s = s * n + n return s以下哪些选项的输入可以得到21的结果? A: compute([3, 3]) B: nums = [1, 2, 3]; compute(nums) C: compute([3, 2, 1]) D: nums = (3, 3); compute(*nums)
学术期刊集成数据库(ASP)中,()不能检索到“computer”。 A: com* B: com? C: compute* D: compute?
学术期刊集成数据库(ASP)中,()不能检索到“computer”。 A: com* B: com? C: compute* D: compute?
One disadvantage of the Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index is that the index: A: is difficult to compute. B: fails to reflect low barriers to entry. C: fails to reflect the effect of mergers in the industry.
One disadvantage of the Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index is that the index: A: is difficult to compute. B: fails to reflect low barriers to entry. C: fails to reflect the effect of mergers in the industry.
子查询除了使用in关键词外,还可以用是( )关键词 A: exists B: compute C: compute by D: group by
子查询除了使用in关键词外,还可以用是( )关键词 A: exists B: compute C: compute by D: group by
Which two steps are the result of associating a blade server?() A: The compute node reboots and is then connected to the CMC B: A compute node is assigned to a service profile C: if the association is successful the cisco UCS manager boots the cisco UUOS to configure the compute node D: The compute node reboots to reload and then loads NX OS and establishes connections to both the CMC and the IOMs
Which two steps are the result of associating a blade server?() A: The compute node reboots and is then connected to the CMC B: A compute node is assigned to a service profile C: if the association is successful the cisco UCS manager boots the cisco UUOS to configure the compute node D: The compute node reboots to reload and then loads NX OS and establishes connections to both the CMC and the IOMs
在 HTML 页面中,定义了如下所示的 Javascript 函数,则正确调用该函数的 HTML 代码是 ( ) function compute(op){ alert(op); } A: <;input name=”a” type=”button” onClick=”compute(this.value)” value=”+”>; B: <;input name=”b” type=”button” onClick=”compute(‘-‘)” value=”-”>; C: <;input name=”c” type=” button” onClick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>; D: <;input name=”d” type=” button” onclick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>;
在 HTML 页面中,定义了如下所示的 Javascript 函数,则正确调用该函数的 HTML 代码是 ( ) function compute(op){ alert(op); } A: <;input name=”a” type=”button” onClick=”compute(this.value)” value=”+”>; B: <;input name=”b” type=”button” onClick=”compute(‘-‘)” value=”-”>; C: <;input name=”c” type=” button” onClick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>; D: <;input name=”d” type=” button” onclick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>;
Economists compute the price elasticity of demand as the_________.
Economists compute the price elasticity of demand as the_________.
在HTML页面中,定义了如下的Javascript函数,则正确调用该函数的HTML代码是() A: <input name=”a” type=”button” onclick=”compute(this.value)” value=”+”> B: <input name=”b” type=”button” onclick=”compute(‘-‘)” value=”-”> C: <input name=”c” type=”button” onclick=”compute(“*”)” value=”*”> D: <input name=”d” type=”button” onclick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>
在HTML页面中,定义了如下的Javascript函数,则正确调用该函数的HTML代码是() A: <input name=”a” type=”button” onclick=”compute(this.value)” value=”+”> B: <input name=”b” type=”button” onclick=”compute(‘-‘)” value=”-”> C: <input name=”c” type=”button” onclick=”compute(“*”)” value=”*”> D: <input name=”d” type=”button” onclick=”compute(/ )” value=”/”>
LS uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the shortest paths.
LS uses Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the shortest paths.
下列哪一个是计算节点? A: contrller B: compute
下列哪一个是计算节点? A: contrller B: compute