Inthe9thcenturyB.C.,Chutingpeoplewererescuedfromstarvationbyfivegodsof________. A: birds B: goats C: dogs D: horses
Inthe9thcenturyB.C.,Chutingpeoplewererescuedfromstarvationbyfivegodsof________. A: birds B: goats C: dogs D: horses
2Wheredidtheaccidenthappen?Inthe _____________
2Wheredidtheaccidenthappen?Inthe _____________
ShanghaiDisneylandPark is the sixthDisneylandPark inthe world and the firstinmainlandChina
ShanghaiDisneylandPark is the sixthDisneylandPark inthe world and the firstinmainlandChina
Inthe last decade,_______________(电脑技术发展迅速).
Inthe last decade,_______________(电脑技术发展迅速).
Shetouchedherdaughtergently____shoulder. A: inher B: onher C: inthe D: onthe
Shetouchedherdaughtergently____shoulder. A: inher B: onher C: inthe D: onthe
Wheredid BuddhatrapWukong? A: underamountain B: inthe ocean C: underapillar
Wheredid BuddhatrapWukong? A: underamountain B: inthe ocean C: underapillar
DidJohnhitBob_____eye? A: inthe B: onthe C: inhis D: onhis
DidJohnhitBob_____eye? A: inthe B: onthe C: inhis D: onhis
Inthe()paragraphsomecommentshadbeenmadeofit. A: proceeding B: preceding C: progressing D: processing
Inthe()paragraphsomecommentshadbeenmadeofit. A: proceeding B: preceding C: progressing D: processing
Inthe()pressurechargingsystemthepulseofenergythatoccurastheexhaustisreleasedfromthecylindertoimprovetheoutputoftheturbocharger. A: constant B: pulse C: high D: noneoftheabove
Inthe()pressurechargingsystemthepulseofenergythatoccurastheexhaustisreleasedfromthecylindertoimprovetheoutputoftheturbocharger. A: constant B: pulse C: high D: noneoftheabove
9. That club has the bestdancefloor inthe city. A: nounadjective
9. That club has the bestdancefloor inthe city. A: nounadjective