假设在E盘下的cn文件夹中有文件abc.txt,则下列代码的运行结果为 class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("E:\cn"); // 这是一个代表目录的File对象 if (file.exists()) { System.out.println(file.delete()); } } }
假设在E盘下的cn文件夹中有文件abc.txt,则下列代码的运行结果为 class Example { public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("E:\cn"); // 这是一个代表目录的File对象 if (file.exists()) { System.out.println(file.delete()); } } }
File类delete()方法的返回值是【 】类型
File类delete()方法的返回值是【 】类型
File类delete()和createNewFile()方法的返回值是【 】类型
File类delete()和createNewFile()方法的返回值是【 】类型
You want to ( ) maybe wake up a virus that has residented in memory. A: delete a file B: execute a program C: copy a file D: access a diskette
You want to ( ) maybe wake up a virus that has residented in memory. A: delete a file B: execute a program C: copy a file D: access a diskette
I seem to have ____ a file by mistake. A: deleted B: deleting C: delete D: deletes
I seem to have ____ a file by mistake. A: deleted B: deleting C: delete D: deletes
以下选项中,哪一个是File类delete()方法返回值的类型( ) 答
以下选项中,哪一个是File类delete()方法返回值的类型( ) 答
File类delete()和createNewFile()方法的返回值是【 】类型(注意:请用中文填写)
File类delete()和createNewFile()方法的返回值是【 】类型(注意:请用中文填写)
下列哪个方法不属于File的方法? A: delete() B: getName() C: createNewFile() D: ead()
下列哪个方法不属于File的方法? A: delete() B: getName() C: createNewFile() D: ead()