The United States seized Florida from Spain after the Spanish-American War of 1898.
The United States seized Florida from Spain after the Spanish-American War of 1898.
When did Marie get married A: In 1895. B: In 1898. C: In 1902. D: In 1903.
When did Marie get married A: In 1895. B: In 1898. C: In 1902. D: In 1903.
1898~ 1922年美国外交政策的演变。
1898~ 1922年美国外交政策的演变。
It has been estimated that ()one hundred thousand men participated in the gold rush of 1898. A: approximately B: until C: more D: as much as
It has been estimated that ()one hundred thousand men participated in the gold rush of 1898. A: approximately B: until C: more D: as much as
1895—1898康有为多次上书光绪帝,主张: ( )
1895—1898康有为多次上书光绪帝,主张: ( )
()年:德国人发明汽车。 A: 1898 B: 1894
()年:德国人发明汽车。 A: 1898 B: 1894
徐志摩哪一年出生() A: 1897 B: 1898 C: 1899
徐志摩哪一年出生() A: 1897 B: 1898 C: 1899