But for his poverty, he ______ more students living in the poverty stricken areas to go to universities. A: has assisted B: would have assisted C: assist D: will assist
But for his poverty, he ______ more students living in the poverty stricken areas to go to universities. A: has assisted B: would have assisted C: assist D: will assist
The district is stricken with famine.句中,stricken 的意思是______________. A: descended B: contained C: detracted D: afflicted
The district is stricken with famine.句中,stricken 的意思是______________. A: descended B: contained C: detracted D: afflicted
Many children in poverty-stricken areas are ______ their right to education.
Many children in poverty-stricken areas are ______ their right to education.
The Duchess was born into a poverty-stricken family. (from “Blackmail”) ( )
The Duchess was born into a poverty-stricken family. (from “Blackmail”) ( )
A lot of girls were forced to ______of school in that poverty-stricken area.
A lot of girls were forced to ______of school in that poverty-stricken area.
People are blessed if they are stricken blind and deaf.
People are blessed if they are stricken blind and deaf.
脱贫攻坚战的英语表达是: A: poverty B: shake off poverty C: fight against poverty
脱贫攻坚战的英语表达是: A: poverty B: shake off poverty C: fight against poverty
贫困地区 A: poverty-striken areas B: poverty alleviation C: poverty reduction
贫困地区 A: poverty-striken areas B: poverty alleviation C: poverty reduction
the poverty lines
the poverty lines
The flood made some of them() A: poor-struck B: poverty-struck C: poverty-stricken D: poor-stricke
The flood made some of them() A: poor-struck B: poverty-struck C: poverty-stricken D: poor-stricke