• 2021-04-14 问题

    You may not believe, but elephants are extremely ____________(聪明的)animals just like dogs.

    You may not believe, but elephants are extremely ____________(聪明的)animals just like dogs.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    _____ the hotel seemed extremely busy, all of the staff was extremely helpful.

    _____ the hotel seemed extremely busy, all of the staff was extremely helpful.

  • 2022-07-23 问题

    下列哪些选项中的代码在实际运行过程中会报错( ) A: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')print(animals[0]) B: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals[0] = '蛇' C: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals = ('蛇',) D: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals.append('蛇')print(animals)

    下列哪些选项中的代码在实际运行过程中会报错( ) A: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')print(animals[0]) B: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals[0] = '蛇' C: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals = ('蛇',) D: animals = ('猫','狗','猪')animals.append('蛇')print(animals)

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    What are Western parents extremely anxious about?They are extremely anxious about _____.

    What are Western parents extremely anxious about?They are extremely anxious about _____.

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    These animals eat [color=#ff3853]hay[/color] and grass so they are extremely muscular and fast. A: n. 干草;少量的钱 B: n. 七月 C: n. 味道;香料;风格 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    These animals eat [color=#ff3853]hay[/color] and grass so they are extremely muscular and fast. A: n. 干草;少量的钱 B: n. 七月 C: n. 味道;香料;风格 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    People couldn't live without water; ______. A: neither are animals B: nor are animals C: neither could animals D: so could animals

    People couldn't live without water; ______. A: neither are animals B: nor are animals C: neither could animals D: so could animals

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    In China every year is represented by a repeated cycle of ___________. A: 12 birth animals B: 12 great animals C: 12 zodiac animals D: 12 beloved animals

    In China every year is represented by a repeated cycle of ___________. A: 12 birth animals B: 12 great animals C: 12 zodiac animals D: 12 beloved animals

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    If visitors provide food the animals, this may upset the animals’ ______.

    If visitors provide food the animals, this may upset the animals’ ______.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    D1The woman is____A.an extremely good young secretary but not a good-looking womanB.an extremely good secretary and a good-looking young womanC.an extremely good-looking young woman but not a good secretary

    D1The woman is____A.an extremely good young secretary but not a good-looking womanB.an extremely good secretary and a good-looking young womanC.an extremely good-looking young woman but not a good secretary

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The case ________ using animals in research: a) Animals ________ a lot during the experiments. b) Much of the research is ________. c) Animals have ________ as humans do.

    The case ________ using animals in research: a) Animals ________ a lot during the experiments. b) Much of the research is ________. c) Animals have ________ as humans do.

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