正电子发射断层扫描 A: proton emission tomography B: positron emission geography C: positron emission tomography
正电子发射断层扫描 A: proton emission tomography B: positron emission geography C: positron emission tomography
The production of nanocellulose can help the issue of greenhouse gas emission.
The production of nanocellulose can help the issue of greenhouse gas emission.
carbon emission
carbon emission
In this research at Columbia University, Charles Townes worked with ______. A: stimulated emission B: microwaves C: maser D: stimulated emission and microwaves
In this research at Columbia University, Charles Townes worked with ______. A: stimulated emission B: microwaves C: maser D: stimulated emission and microwaves
2. In 2009, President Yudhoyono pledged to reduce by 36 percent green house gas emission.
2. In 2009, President Yudhoyono pledged to reduce by 36 percent green house gas emission.
Global warming is mainly _______ by greenhouse gases emission. A: cause B: to cause C: causing D: caused
Global warming is mainly _______ by greenhouse gases emission. A: cause B: to cause C: causing D: caused
产生激光(光的受激辐射放大)的四个过程中,最重要的是 A: Pumping B: Spontaneous emission C: Stimulated emission D: Absorption
产生激光(光的受激辐射放大)的四个过程中,最重要的是 A: Pumping B: Spontaneous emission C: Stimulated emission D: Absorption
_______ further increasing quantum-well number, the increase of the emission energy becomes slow.
_______ further increasing quantum-well number, the increase of the emission energy becomes slow.
“污染”的英语单词是 A: Reduce B: Pollution C: Emission
“污染”的英语单词是 A: Reduce B: Pollution C: Emission
智慧职教: VHF DSC transmissions are encoded and transmitted in what emission mode?
智慧职教: VHF DSC transmissions are encoded and transmitted in what emission mode?