• 2022-05-30 问题

    According to the passage, most women ______. A: were infected by a single variant of the HIV virus B: were infected by multiple variants of the HIV virus C: were stronger than men D: had anti-body in their body

    According to the passage, most women ______. A: were infected by a single variant of the HIV virus B: were infected by multiple variants of the HIV virus C: were stronger than men D: had anti-body in their body

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    How many people does the report say have become infected with HIV?

    How many people does the report say have become infected with HIV?

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which of the following is not an achievement made in China's HIV/AIDS prevention and control? A: HIV transmission in blood supply or blood transfusion is effectively controlled B: HIV infection rate of drug users in China drops year by year C: Rate of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV virus in China dropped from 35% to 6% D: Most HIV-infected people received effective treatment, and their mortality after treatment significantly lowered E: China still has a high HIV prevalence

    Which of the following is not an achievement made in China's HIV/AIDS prevention and control? A: HIV transmission in blood supply or blood transfusion is effectively controlled B: HIV infection rate of drug users in China drops year by year C: Rate of mother-to-infant transmission of HIV virus in China dropped from 35% to 6% D: Most HIV-infected people received effective treatment, and their mortality after treatment significantly lowered E: China still has a high HIV prevalence

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Which one of the following is the most effective measure to control the transmission and prevalence of HIV/AIDS? A: Control the source of infection, and adopt centralized management of diagnosed AIDS patients and asymptomatic carriers of HIV B: Cut off the transmissions, such as prohibiting drug abuses and sexual promiscuities, block mother-to-infant transmission and check blood products rigorously C: Forbid HIV-infected people getting married D: Inject HIV vaccine E: Treat HIV patients

    Which one of the following is the most effective measure to control the transmission and prevalence of HIV/AIDS? A: Control the source of infection, and adopt centralized management of diagnosed AIDS patients and asymptomatic carriers of HIV B: Cut off the transmissions, such as prohibiting drug abuses and sexual promiscuities, block mother-to-infant transmission and check blood products rigorously C: Forbid HIV-infected people getting married D: Inject HIV vaccine E: Treat HIV patients

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Hepatitis B and C get passed from person to person the same ways the HIV does — through contact with ____ blood. A: infection B: infected C: infect

    Hepatitis B and C get passed from person to person the same ways the HIV does — through contact with ____ blood. A: infection B: infected C: infect

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    Which of the following health status places a person at the highest risk of developing TB disease after becoming infected: A: Fatigue B: Obesity C: Pneumonia D: HIV infection E: Depression

    Which of the following health status places a person at the highest risk of developing TB disease after becoming infected: A: Fatigue B: Obesity C: Pneumonia D: HIV infection E: Depression

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    It is reported that those infected with SARS

    It is reported that those infected with SARS

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    What are the symptoms of someone infected with a novel coronavirus?

    What are the symptoms of someone infected with a novel coronavirus?

  • 2022-06-05 问题

    People are sure to die when infected with COVID-19. ( )

    People are sure to die when infected with COVID-19. ( )

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    Viruses can be transmitted by. A: Booting a PC from an infected mediu. B: executing an infected program. C: pirated software and shareware. D: All of the above.

    Viruses can be transmitted by. A: Booting a PC from an infected mediu. B: executing an infected program. C: pirated software and shareware. D: All of the above.

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