如下表所示,X={butter,cheese},Y={beer},则置信度confidence(X→Y)=( )。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts? 2/5|1/3|1/4|1/2
如下表所示,X={butter,cheese},Y={beer},则置信度confidence(X→Y)=( )。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts? 2/5|1/3|1/4|1/2
中国大学MOOC: 如下表所示,使用FP-Growth计算其频繁集,给定最小支持度为40%,频繁模式树(FP树)有( )个结点。(不包括根结点)。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts
中国大学MOOC: 如下表所示,使用FP-Growth计算其频繁集,给定最小支持度为40%,频繁模式树(FP树)有( )个结点。(不包括根结点)。交易号(TID)商品(Items)1beer, diaper, nuts2beer, biscuit, diaper3bread, butter, cheese4beer, cheese, diaper, nuts5beer, butter, cheese, nuts
5.1.2 According to the texture of bread itself, bread can be divided into four categories ( ). A: Soft bread B: Hard bread C: Crispy bread D: Loose bread
5.1.2 According to the texture of bread itself, bread can be divided into four categories ( ). A: Soft bread B: Hard bread C: Crispy bread D: Loose bread
Bread is taken with a fork and laid on the bread plate.
Bread is taken with a fork and laid on the bread plate.
Please give him ___. A: some breads B: some bread C: a bread D: many bread
Please give him ___. A: some breads B: some bread C: a bread D: many bread
You have to bring bread in a Breaking Bread activity.
You have to bring bread in a Breaking Bread activity.
It’s your “bread and butter.” "bread and butter" means__________.
It’s your “bread and butter.” "bread and butter" means__________.
The boy have got _____ already. A: two bread B: two breads C: two pieces of bread D: two piece of bread
The boy have got _____ already. A: two bread B: two breads C: two pieces of bread D: two piece of bread
There____much_____ on the table. A: is, bread B: is, breads C: are, bread D: are, breads
There____much_____ on the table. A: is, bread B: is, breads C: are, bread D: are, breads
2. What happens when you get to the bread section?You smell the bread and think it is ___3__ than yesterday's bread at home.
2. What happens when you get to the bread section?You smell the bread and think it is ___3__ than yesterday's bread at home.