在操作中进行了一个误操作,如何撤销? A: 在菜单里选编辑撤销 B: 在键盘上按ctrI十Z C: 在键盘上按ctrI十C D: 在快捷菜单里选取消
在操作中进行了一个误操作,如何撤销? A: 在菜单里选编辑撤销 B: 在键盘上按ctrI十Z C: 在键盘上按ctrI十C D: 在快捷菜单里选取消
可以按住( )键在模型树管理器上选择多个特征。 A: Enter B: CtrI C: Insert D: Alt
可以按住( )键在模型树管理器上选择多个特征。 A: Enter B: CtrI C: Insert D: Alt
On your way _______, stop at the store for some bread. A: to home B: to the home C: home D: the home
On your way _______, stop at the store for some bread. A: to home B: to the home C: home D: the home
()命令用来显示/home及其子目录下的文件名。 A: ls-a/home B: ls-R/home C: ls-l/home D: ls-d/home
()命令用来显示/home及其子目录下的文件名。 A: ls-a/home B: ls-R/home C: ls-l/home D: ls-d/home
When does Jim usually __________ ? A: goes home B: go home C: go to home D: goes to home
When does Jim usually __________ ? A: goes home B: go home C: go to home D: goes to home
The proper behavior makes others _________. A: feel at home B: to feel in the home C: feel in the home D: to feel at home
The proper behavior makes others _________. A: feel at home B: to feel in the home C: feel in the home D: to feel at home
想要查看/home/a文件的内容,并且一屏一屏的显示。 A: cat<br/>/home/a B: more /home/a C: head /home/a D: tail /home/a
想要查看/home/a文件的内容,并且一屏一屏的显示。 A: cat<br/>/home/a B: more /home/a C: head /home/a D: tail /home/a
It’s very late. She must ______ now. A: goes home B: to go home C: go home D: go to home
It’s very late. She must ______ now. A: goes home B: to go home C: go home D: go to home
The teacher managed to ________ the students the importance of hard work. A: drive to home B: drive home C: drive it home to D: drive home to
The teacher managed to ________ the students the importance of hard work. A: drive to home B: drive home C: drive it home to D: drive home to
()命令用来显示/home及其子目录下的文件名 A: ls-a/home B: ls-l/home C: ls-d/home
()命令用来显示/home及其子目录下的文件名 A: ls-a/home B: ls-l/home C: ls-d/home