The chromosome theory of inheritance states that A: All are correct B: chromosomes are made of DN C: genes are located on chromosomes. D: alleles of a gene segregate during cell division.
The chromosome theory of inheritance states that A: All are correct B: chromosomes are made of DN C: genes are located on chromosomes. D: alleles of a gene segregate during cell division.
Which of the followings would contain genetic material that is 100% identical? A: Homologous chromosomes B: Sister chromatids C: X and Y chromosomes D: Acrocentric chromosomes E: non-sister chromatids
Which of the followings would contain genetic material that is 100% identical? A: Homologous chromosomes B: Sister chromatids C: X and Y chromosomes D: Acrocentric chromosomes E: non-sister chromatids
Molecular cloning focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules in chromosomes.
Molecular cloning focuses on making identical copies of DNA molecules in chromosomes.
If human chromosomes are stained on a slide, the resulting display, which is called a ______
If human chromosomes are stained on a slide, the resulting display, which is called a ______
Complex<br/>of DNA and proteins that makes up the chromosomes in a eukaryotic<br/>cell is called ______ .
Complex<br/>of DNA and proteins that makes up the chromosomes in a eukaryotic<br/>cell is called ______ .
Genes come in different versions called: A: alleles B: loci C: genetypes D: chromosomes E: genomes
Genes come in different versions called: A: alleles B: loci C: genetypes D: chromosomes E: genomes
C. elegans has 12 chromosomes that contain a total of ______ genes. A: 4,494 B: 6,340 C: 23,000 D: 27,000
C. elegans has 12 chromosomes that contain a total of ______ genes. A: 4,494 B: 6,340 C: 23,000 D: 27,000
中国大学MOOC: Genomic imprinting and genetic anticipation both involve the inhibition of specific genes, or chromosomes, based on parental origin.
中国大学MOOC: Genomic imprinting and genetic anticipation both involve the inhibition of specific genes, or chromosomes, based on parental origin.
Most of the X-lined genes in humans are expressed in equal amounts between males and females because A: only one of the two X chromosomes is active in each cell in the females. B: X-linked genes on the X chromosome in males are expressed two-fold higher than in females. C: only one X chromosome is kept after fertilization. D: Half of the RNA transcripts from X chromosomes in female cells are degraded after transcription.
Most of the X-lined genes in humans are expressed in equal amounts between males and females because A: only one of the two X chromosomes is active in each cell in the females. B: X-linked genes on the X chromosome in males are expressed two-fold higher than in females. C: only one X chromosome is kept after fertilization. D: Half of the RNA transcripts from X chromosomes in female cells are degraded after transcription.
Linked<br/>genes are A: found<br/>on the same chromosome B: found<br/>in the same nucleus C: found<br/>only on sex chromosomes D: joined<br/>by a centromere
Linked<br/>genes are A: found<br/>on the same chromosome B: found<br/>in the same nucleus C: found<br/>only on sex chromosomes D: joined<br/>by a centromere