• 2022-05-29
    The fork is held in your hand when knife and fork are used at the same time.
  • left


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      The correct way to handle your utensils is to hold your fork in your left hand and your knife in your right hand. .

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      Which description is right? A: When he finishes his meal, he puts the knife and the fork on the empty plate. B: Eat from your knife. C: The Englishman holds the knife in the left hand and the fork in the right. D: It is polite to take the biggest piece of meat or fish.

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      When you finish and leave the table, make your Knife and fork cross on the plate.

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      A knife and a fork _____ on the table. A knife and fork _____ on the table.

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      In Europe, people hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand throughout a meal.