• 2022-05-29
    December is the _______ month in a year.
    A: twenty
    B: twelve
    C: twentieth
    D: twelfth
  • D


    • 0

      December is the month of the year.

    • 1

      ‏There are twelve ________ in a year. (month)‎

    • 2

      There are _____ months in a year, October is the _____ month. A: twelve; ten B: twelfth; tenth C: twelve; tenth

    • 3

      When is the Lantern Festival? A: January 1st B: 15th day of the 1st lunar month C: December 31st D: 23rd of the twelfth lunar month

    • 4

      Their School Day is in __________, the eighth month of the year. A: December B: August C: July D: June