• 2022-05-29
    The museum is worthy of ( ).
    A: being
    B: visiting
    C: being
    D: visit
  • A


    • 0

      We ___________ you tomorrow. A: visit B: visited C: will visit D: visiting

    • 1

      The city could be described as a gigantic open- air museum, __________ each year by millions of tourists all over the world. A: visit B: to visit C: visited D: visiting

    • 2

      What is the purpose of the man’s visit A: Visiting some friends. B: Going sightseeing. C: Being on Business.

    • 3

      Grandma was insistent that we______her soon. A: went and visited B: go and visit C: went for visiting D: go for visiting

    • 4

      They went out ______ their old friends. A: visit B: visiting C: to visit D: visited