• 2021-04-14
    As a writer, you should be clear about your writing purpose and write for your purpose.
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      Which of the following tips for specific purpose statements is false A: Write the purpose statement as a full infinitive phrase. B: Avoid figurative language in your purpose statement. C: Express your purpose as a question, not as a statment. D: Make sure your speciic purpose is not too vague or general.

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      Descriptive writing is to write objectively, so you should not to throw in your thoughts and feelings.

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      A writer should select details and events for the writing purpose instead of including everything of the story.

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      I would appreciate ______ me through the post. A: you to write B: to you writing C: your to write D: your writing to

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      If the purpose of your letter is employment related, consider ending your letter you’re your __________.