A: 进步
B: 悬挂
C: 促使
A: 进步
B: 悬挂
C: 促使
- _______ progress 进步
- 进步的英文单词() A: progress B: process
- progress () A: 前进,进步 B: 过程,进程 C: 产品,产物 D: 计划,规划
- 文明的进步绝不是依靠闭关锁国、故步自封。该句话翻译为: A: The progress of the civilization doesn't depend on the isolation. B: The progress of the civilization never link to the isolation. C: The civilization cann't proceed without a open mind. D: The progress of the civilization is nver achieved through isolation.
- 炎帝首创耒耜,促使农业生产力的进步。