• 2022-05-29
    Hemadea speech,andtheaudiencebelievedinhim.
    A: convincing
    B: convinced
    C: convince
    D: convinces
  • A


    • 0

      We all left the police station, ______ that Tom was innocent. A: convince B: convinced C: to convince D: having convinced

    • 1

      Youcancontactusatyour____________. A: convenient B: convenience C: convince D: convincing

    • 2

      We left the meeting that the project was feasible. A: elating B: elated C: convincing D: convinced

    • 3

      I’m _________ that he is innocent in the whole affair. A: convincing B: believed C: believing D: convinced

    • 4

      In a speech to convince, your objective is to affect your listeners' beliefs or attitudes.