• 2022-05-29
    ( ) was ordered by Zeus to choose between her lovers. She chose the mortal Idas over Apollo because she feared the immortal Apollo would leave her when she grew old.
  • Marpessa


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      How old she was when she chose hercaree

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      She was grinding her teeth and saying this over and over again when she heard her mother come out on the veranda with someone.

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      By the time she is 50 years old, she ______ an inmate of the prison for over half of ______ her life. A: would have been B: will be C: will have been D: would be

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      Why did she choose to "do a course" A: Because she wanted a career. B: Because her classmate had encourage her to do that. C: Because she was seeking a job at that time.

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      What does "She stupidly chose to be with this man." mean?____ A: It was stupid of her to choose to be with this man. B: She chose to be with this man in a stupid manner. C: She fell in love with him and wanted to marry him. D: She chose, in a wise manner,to be with this man.