• 2021-04-14
    You need to include everything in your speech.
  • 内容

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      Before putting forward your question, you need to show your appreciation to the speaker and make a positive comment on his speech.( )

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      ‏The process of organizing the body of a speech begins when_____ ​‏​ A: you determine your topic. B: you determine the main points. C: you start writing your draft. D: you practice delivering your speech.

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      中国大学MOOC: If you need to introduce yourself in a formal meeting, do not prepare your speech in advance, for it will make your speech sound unnatural.

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      What do you need to keep in mind when telling a story to begin your speech?

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      What can we do to manage stage fright?( ) A: Drink some wine before giving the speech. B: Practice your speech as much as you can. C: Stimulate the real speaking environment when practicing your speech. D: Record yourself and watch your videos when practicing your speech.