• 2022-05-29
    Wine was introduced from the West only in modern times (Changyu Wine, China's first industrial wine in 1892), so it should be called "foreign wine". ( )
  • 错误


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      According to wine’s making process, wine can be classified into three types:

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      Under no circumstances, the wine tasting portion is always offered to the person who ordered the wine in the first place.

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      ​During the Double Ninth Festival, Chinese people are used to drinking ______________.‏ A: yellow wine B: chrysanthemum wine C: fruit wine D: highland-barley wine

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      ‍Which of the following is not a type of wine?‏ A: red wine B: white wine C: champagne D: latte

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      下列哪些酒属于甜型葡萄酒?( ) A: Sherry wine B: Noble wine C: Port wine D: Brandy