A: select name,code from zufang where code=’BJYZ91876799’;
B: load data local inpath’/data/alldatas’ into table tb4;
C: from zufang select name,code where code=’BJYZ91876799’;
D: from zufang where code=’BJYZ91876799’ select name,code;
A: select name,code from zufang where code=’BJYZ91876799’;
B: load data local inpath’/data/alldatas’ into table tb4;
C: from zufang select name,code where code=’BJYZ91876799’;
D: from zufang where code=’BJYZ91876799’ select name,code;
- 关于两个表对应的不匹配查询的正确语句为() A: SELECT[ccode]FROM[GL_accsum]where not exists(SELECT*FROM[code]group by ccode having[ccode]=[GL_accsum].[ccode]) B: SELECT[ccode]FROM[GL_accsum]v where ccode not in(SELECTccodeFROM[code] where[ccode]=[v].[ccode]) C: select ccode from[GL_accsum]a left join code bon [ccode]=[b].[ccode] where ccode is null D: select ccode codes from[GL_accsum]a join code bon [ccode]=[b].[ccode] where ccode is null
- 使用如下语句创建1个user数据表, CREATE TABLE `users` ([br][/br] `Code` int(11) NOT NULL,[br][/br] `name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,[br][/br] `sex` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,[br][/br] PRIMARY KEY (`Code`)[br][/br]) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 以下哪个SQL语句是正确的() A: insert into users values('p001','张三','男'); B: create table 表名% select Code from users; C: update users set Code='p002' where Code='p001'; D: select Code as '代号' from users;
- 若想查询student表中name为空值的记录,则正确的SQL语句是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = NULL; B: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name like NULL; C: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = 'NULL'; D: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name is NULL;
- 下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20
- 下面哪一个语句,显示没有Email地址的教师姓名() A: Select name from teacher where email=NULL; B: Select name from teacher where email C: Select name from teacher where email is NULL; D: Select name from teacher where emailis not NULL;