• 2022-05-29
    Which TWO of the following are accounting concepts?
    A: Code of ethics
    B: Going concern
    C: Accruals
    D: Conceptual framework
  • B,C


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      Which of the following is a limitation of analysis of financial statements? ( ) A: Based on accounting concepts B: Affected by personal bias C: To know the financial strength D: Lack of Qualitative Analysis

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      Which are the two key concepts for effectiveness?

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      IASB’s Conceptual Framework gives four enhancing qualitative characteristics of financial information. What are these four characteristics?? Relevance, Faithful representation, Comparability and Consistency|Relevance, Faithful representation, Accrual and Going concern|Relevance, Faithful representation, and Verifiability|Comparability, Verifiability, Timeliness and Understandability

    • 3

      Which two are the objectives of accounting( ). A: Stewardship Approach B: decision-usefulness approach C: accounting management activities D: accounting information system

    • 4

      Which of the following schools of thoughts is NOT a sub-field within ethics? A: dandyism B: deontology C: virtue ethics D: utilitarianism