• 2022-05-29
    Did you ______ the lecture in the library yesterday afternoon?
    A: go
    B: have
    C: attend
    D: buy
  • C


    • 0

      When did you first go in for running in competition A: does for B: does by C: attend D: go in with

    • 1

      When did you ______to school yesterday? A: go B: want C: went D: going

    • 2

      --___________to the United States? A: Have you been B: Have you gone C: Did you go D: Have you went

    • 3

      ______ you ______ to Boston last year? A: Do; go B: Have; gone C: Did; go D: Did; went

    • 4

      --- I'd like to go hunting with you, but i have a meeting _____ .--- If you don't go, _______ . A: to attend, so do I B: attending, so will I C: attend, neither will I D: to attend, nor will I