• 2022-05-30
    Which of the following are advantages of having non-executive directors on the company board?

    They can provide a wider perspective than executive directors.

    They provide reassurance to shareholders.

    They may have external experience and knowledge which executive directors do not possess.

    They have more time to devote to the role.

  • A,B,C


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      Which of the following is NOT a principle of the UK Corporate Governance Code A: There should be a rigorous and transparent procedure for the appointment of new directors to the board B: The board should use the annual general meeting (AGM) to communicate with investors C: The non-executive chairman should decide on the remuneration of all directors D: All directors should receive induction training on joining the board

    • 1

      Which of the following might be an undesirable trait of a member of the board of directors() A: Experience with the technologies, products, and services the firm offers. B: Positive public statements regarding an individual’s ethical viewpoints. C: Service on the board for more than 10 years.

    • 2

      The agency problem refers to which of the following situations? A: Shareholders acting in their own short-term interests rather than the long-term interests of the company B: A vocal minority of shareholders expecting the directors to act as their agents and pay substantial dividends C: Companies reliant upon substantial government contracts such that they are effectively agents of the government D: The directors acting in their own interests rather than the shareholders’ interests

    • 3

      Tony Couchman, a headhunter at Egon Zehnder in London, recalls the board of a large firm with a chief executive who so dominated his directors that they rarely questioned or challenged him.

    • 4

      Shareholder activism means: A: the level of shareholder activity activity within the stock market generally B: the level of involvement shareholders have in the running of a company C: the likelihood of shareholders bringing unethical directors to accout D: the balance of power between shareholders and directors