• 2022-05-30
    Which is not one of the sub-departments of Production?
    A: Q
    B: PR.
    C: R&
    D: PP.
  • B


    • 0

      Which one of the following departments is NOT a service cost center in a manufacturing company A: Accounting B: Assembly C: Maintenance D: Personnel

    • 1

      有以下程序 main() { int a=7,b=8,*p,*q,*r; p=&a;q=&b; r=p; p=q;q=r; printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n",*p,*q,a,b); } 程序运行后的输出结果是______。 A: 8,7,8,7 B: 7,8,7,8 C: 8,7,7,8 D: 7,8,8,7

    • 2

      以下程序运行后的输出结果是()。(C语言二级考试题)int main( ){ int a=7,b=8,*p,*q,*r; p=&a;q=&b; r=p;p=q;q=r; printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n",*p,*q,a,b);} A: 8,7,8,7 B: 7,8,7,8 C: 8,7,7,8 D: 7,8,8,7

    • 3

      The processes for PP can be classified into three parts, which are material planning, production plannig and manufacturing execution process.

    • 4

      描述率的抽样误差的指标是() A: s<sub>p</sub> B: s C: CV D: R E: Q<sub>u</sub>-Q<sub>L</sub>