• 2022-05-30
    16. The Great Wall was built with the basic goal of ___________. It represented people’s longing for a peaceful life.
    A: A.safeguarding peace
    B: B.defensing home
    C: C. resisting foreign aggression
    D: D.strengthening the position of the South
  • A


    • 0

      China built a Great Wall ______the northern part______the country. A: to, in B: across, of C: across, on D: at, of

    • 1

      I __________ to the Great Wall — that’s what I am proud of in my life. A: have gone B: have went C: have been to D: was

    • 2

      U405What kind of life will people live if they choose to live a frugal life? A: They will live a fulfilling life without possessing much. B: They will live a simple and peaceful life. C: They will have little money and live in debt. D: They will have nothing and live poor and cheap.

    • 3

      The Great Wall is one long wall built over 2,000 years ago. A: 正确 B: 错误

    • 4

      The Great Wall stretches from south to north of China.