A: to
put one's hand or fingers on in order to feel.
B: a
group of things that share certain features or properties that set
the group apart from others; kind.
C: to
hope for or look forward to.
D: the
condition of being protected from or out of danger.
A: to
put one's hand or fingers on in order to feel.
B: a
group of things that share certain features or properties that set
the group apart from others; kind.
C: to
hope for or look forward to.
D: the
condition of being protected from or out of danger.
- touch<br/>() A: to<br/>put one's hand or fingers on in order to feel. B: to<br/>go forward by using great energy. C: the<br/>condition of being protected from or out of danger. D: to<br/>write using a computer or other device with a keyboard.
- avoid<br/>() A: a<br/>group of things that share certain features or properties that set<br/>the group apart from others; kind. B: a<br/>large white surface on which movies, pictures, or other images can be shown. C: not<br/>awake. D: to<br/>keep away from.
- struggle<br/>() A: the<br/>condition of being protected from or out of danger. B: to<br/>hope for or look forward to. C: to<br/>write using a computer or other device with a keyboard. D: to<br/>go forward by using great energy.
- safety ( <br/>) A: of poor quality. B: fine or rich in<br/>quality. C: to travel for<br/>pleasure in a ship. D: the condition of<br/>being protected from or out of danger.
- 统计各系男生人数,最准确的SQL语句是(<br/>)。 A: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM stduents GROUP BY d_no WHERE sex='男' B: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM students WHERE sex='男'<br/>GROUP BY d_no C: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM students WHERE sex='男'<br/>ORDER BY d_no D: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM students HAVING sex='男'<br/>GROUP BY d_no