• 2022-05-30
    No one claimed _____ for the attacks.
    A: responsibility
    B: response
    C: sponsor
    D: respond
  • A


    • 0

      A terrorist group claimed to be (response) ______ for the recent suicide bombing.

    • 1

      He disclaimed ____ for the accident. A: response B: responsible C: responsibility D: responsive

    • 2

      Who claimed responsibility for the attack A: Nobody. B: Muslim militants. C: An Islamic organization. D: The Algerian government.

    • 3

      My _____ to your proposal is negative. A: reply B: reaction C: response D: responsibility

    • 4

      We’ve been told that _____ (饱和的) fat is unhealthy. It is claimed to raise cholesterol levels and give us heart attacks.