• 2022-05-30
    The power of videoconferencing lies in that it can ______.
    A: enhance the communication
    B: increase productivity
    C: understand the real meaning of the other party
    D: all of the above
  • D


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      Generally, the holder of a government bond that is indexed to the price level knows A: either the interest rate, the principal, or both are adjusted for inflation B: the real interest rate will fluctuate with inflation C: there will be no losses as long as inflation is anticipated, but losses can occur if there is an unanticipated increase in the inflation rate D: all of the above E: none of the above

    • 1

      The characteristics of the basic word stock includes_______ . A: stability B: all national character C: productivity D: all the above

    • 2

      Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication or simply in a context.

    • 3

      I can hardly hear what he is saying, and ____ A: so can all the other people B: so can hardly all the other people C: nor can all the other people D: nor all the other people can

    • 4

      If a country’s saving rate declined, then other things the<br/>same, in the long run it would have () A: lower<br/>productivity, but not lower real GDP per person. B: lower<br/>productivity and lower real GDP per person. C: lower<br/>real GDP per person, but not lower productivity D: neither<br/>lower productivity nor lower real GDP per person.