• 2022-05-30
    Which of the following italicized parts modifies an adverb?
    A: I rather like my teacher.
    B: That was a very funny film.
    C: Do it right now.
    D: We walked about 6 miles.
  • C


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      Which of the following italicized parts modifies(修饰) an adjective?

    • 1

      Which of the following underlined parts modifies an adverb? A: That's quite a story. B: There's the house, right in front of you. C: She cooks well enough. D: There were quite a lot of people at his party.

    • 2

      We enjoyed the film very much. what ______ you ?Oh, I also like it very much. A: with B: of C: for D: about

    • 3

      Which of the following italicized parts(斜体部分)indicates the adverbial of concession(让步状语从句)? A: As I didn’t know how to do it,I turned to the teacher. B: I will wear the necklacehow I like it. C: What has he donethat you should be so angry with him? D: While I admit that his method is not the best,I do choose to adopt it.

    • 4

      This is a photo of my class. We’_______ all laughing because our teacher is funny! A: ’re B: do C: is