• 2022-05-30
    A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a
    long _____.
    A: distinction
    B: difference
    C: separation
    D: discrimination
  • C


    • 0

      People<br/>tend to suffer from _______<br/>from their beloved one. A: distinction B: difference C: separation D: discrimination

    • 1

      It is offence to show () against people of different races. A: distinction B: difference C: separation D: discrimination

    • 2

      The author mentioned two important things in this passage, they are ______. A: Hollywood and Academy awards B: Hollywood and sexual separation C: actors and actresses D: racial discrimination and sexual difference

    • 3

      We should make a clear ______ between "competent" and "proficient". A: separation B: division C: distinction D: difference

    • 4

      We should make a clear______ between “competent” and “proficient” for the purposes of our discussion. A: separation B: division C: distinction D: difference