• 2022-05-30
    What has television become todayOne of the().
  • most influential tools of communication


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      A considerable period of time has to elapse before the effects of such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras and cell-phone monitoring become evident in reducing crimes. A: pass or go by B: get control of

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      His brother has become a lawyer, () he wanted to be. A: who B: what C: that D: which

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      Her sister has become a lawyer____ she wanted to be. A: who B: that C: what D: which

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      Q: What has happened to the man? A: He has become head of the department. B: He has found a job. C: He has finished his work. D: He has been given a task.

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      (9) Unemployment has become an increasing problem in the recent past. What factors contribute to an increase in unemployment and what steps can be taken to solve the problem?