• 2022-05-31
    Jasper is one of his three sons who ____in the army; the other two ______in the navy.
    A: is; are
    B: are; are
    C: is; is
    D: are; is
  • A


    • 0

      His brother joined the army three years ago.His brother______ ______ ______the army for three years.

    • 1

      以下对枚举类型的定义中正确的是() A: enum a={one,two,three}; B: enum a{one,two,three}; C: enum a={“one”,”two”,”three”}; D: enum a{“ one”,”two”,”three”};

    • 2

      以下对枚举类型定义正确的是______。 A: enumnum={one,two,three}; B: enumnum{one=9,two=18,three}; C: enumnum={"one","two","three"}; D: enumnum{"one","two","three"};

    • 3

      Today, coffee is one of the three most popular beverages worldwide, the other two are tea and cocoa

    • 4

      以下对枚举类型名的定义中正确的是()。 A: enuma={one,two,three}; B: enuma{one=9,two=-1,three}; C: enuma={"one","two","three"}; D: enuma{"one","two","three"};