• 2022-05-31
    The Sword Dance, a dance famously performed by a renowned dancer named Lady Gongsun, is graceful.
  • 内容

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      Chinese dance is a comprehensive art form so that a dancer can hardly express his thoughts and feelings with ease and grace.

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      My brother can _____. He wants _______ this evening. A: dance; dance B: dance; to dance C: dances; dancing D: dances; to dance

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      Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art, ballet is a combination of dance and mime performed to music.() A: Considered B: art C: a combination of D: performed

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      Which kind of Lion Dance was formed in northern China? A: Mild Lion Dance B: Wild Lion Dance C: Colorful Lion Dance D: Western Lion Dance

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      The most popular dance in China is street dance。( )