• 2022-05-31
    One of the advantages in the multimodal transport is to minimize time loss at transshipment point.
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      Multimodal Transport Document can serve as the evidence of multimodal transport contract.

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      International multimodal transport means the carriage of cargo by at least four modes of transport on the basis of a multimodal transport contract.

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      Multimodal transport means the goods are carried by at least two modes of transport under at least two multimodal transport operators.

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      What are the conditions for international multimodal transport?( ). A: There must be a multimodal transport contract and a multimodal transport document covering the whole process, and a multimodal transport operator should be responsible for the whole transport B: It must be a continuous transport of at least two different modes of transport C: It must be international transportation of goods D: It must be a single freight rate for the whole trasportation

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      Multimodal transport refers to a transport system usually (  ) under the control or ownership of one operator。 A: operated by one carrier with more than two modes of transport B: operated by one carrier with more than one mode of transport C: operated by several carriers with more than two modes of transport D: operated by several carriers with more than one mode of transport